Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I've got the New Year Blues (in a sing-song voice!)

WHEW... and Shooooo-weeeee
It's been a terrible year. Granted, it's only been a week long so far. The nastiest of nasty stomach bugs has bitten myself and both of my little ones! (It only bit me in the butt, thank you Lord!) Thomas and Catherine were throwing up and having diarrhea.
I'm soooo behind on laundry. The 1st day I did six loads of towels, rags, clothes, bedding, etc.... I can't imagine what our water bill will be this month.

Here is Thomas with a serious case of nausea, an even more serious case of "bed head" and a cup of ice chips.


On a lighter note, no pun intended, I've shed 11 pounds!!! Every cloud has a silver lining.

Yesterday morning, sweet Catherine was playing in the floor on a blanket and I had a few precious moments to myself. Joe already left for doctor duty and Thomas was sleeping in. I reached for the TV remote to see what had taped on TiVo. (fingers were crossed for The City)
and I felt a little nudge from the Lord saying, "Read Me." So, this was all I was able to read before Thomas woke up in a terrible mood.

Keep me safe, O God,
for in you I take refuge.

I said to the LORD, "You are my Lord;
apart from you I have no good thing."

Psalm 16:1-2

How blessed was I to have that with me throughout the day, alone, with two sick babies?

Joe has been a huge help and has adjusted to the mess of a house this crazy week has created quite nicely.

Heart, Sarah



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