Monday, April 20, 2009

Falling in Love

My mom came over early yesterday to baby-sit so Joe and I could have a morning together. We got ready and went to the 9:30 church service at our church, New Vision. It felt so good to just be with him.

We walked in and I could hear the entire church filled with praise, singing, “Your Name” by Paul Baloche.

Your Name is a strong and mighty tow- er
Your Name is a shelter like no oth- er
Your Name, let the nations sing it loud- er
'Cause nothing has the pow- er to save but Your Name

The church was packed and we sat in the balcony nose-bleed section. Joe held my hand and we looked at each other often. He kissed my hand, then my forehead. I always feel like his princess.

The sermon was on Cultural Christianity and how our culture finds it totally acceptable to “just believe” in God and “that’s what counts.” Our pastor explained that what Christians really need to do is to fall in love with Jesus!

I started seeing parallels in my marriage relationship and my relationship with Christ.

I am so in love with Joe. I crave time with him, one-on-one time. I want to know his opinion on everything. I trust him completely. I think about him throughout my day- thinking of ways to serve him and how I can love him better.

So why am I lacking these things in my relationship with Christ, the One who died for me? Why am I not planning days in advance to have one-on-one time with him like I do with Joe by setting up our baby-sitter and then being totally filled with excitement and ideas about how to be closest to him?

My heart is aching again for time with my Jesus, my love above all others.

We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19

