Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The "thank you" card

thank you Pictures, Images and Photos
Whatever happened to "thank you" cards? Are people no longer thankful when someone gives them a gift, makes them dinner, does them a favor or supports them through a hard time? I always send thank you notes (and have my kids do it, too). It's a great activity for the ten minutes while I am trying to find something for them to do while I scramble to get dinner made. Thomas loves to scribble a picture out on his own stationery. I am always amazed by the people who make comments to me like I am some kind of super-mom for getting thank you notes out amidst my busy family life.

I feel that if someone took the time and money to go to a store, select a gift, wrap it and give it to them, the least they can do is take 3-4 minutes to write a thank you note. I feel a bit resentful (if that is the right word) at not even having a gift acknowledged. How do I know they even got it? Even if it says nothing more than ''thanks.'' it's great. But I have recently stopped going through so much trouble for people who don't bother with thanks.

As a mother of two in diapers, I understand that all parents have really hectic lives, but still feel that we should make time for our values. In our family we strive to send thank you notes. I feel like this is teaching my kids about gratitude, and about gifts not being something you just expect or get automatically, but something special. We don't spend time bad mouthing people who don't send thank you cards, but we love the ones we get.

If you are not big on “thank you” notes, why?

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18



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